Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam College Rajpur, Distt. Kangra (HP)
Faculty | Eligibility | Selection | No. of Seats |
(B.Com) Bachelor of Commerce | 40% in Plus Two with Commerce & 45% in Plus Two with Science with Math or Arts with Economics or Math | Merit will be finalized on the basis of percentage (%) SCORE obtained in qualifying Exam (PLUS TWO) as per eligibility criteria Prescribed by the HPU | 120 |
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BC 1.1 | Financial Accounting (Core) Common with B.Com. Hon's. BCH-1.1 | 140 |
BC 1.2 | Business Organisation and Management (Core) | 140 |
BC 1.3 | Business Law (Core) Common with B.Com. Hon's. BCH-1.2 | 140 |
BC 1.4 | Business Statistics and Mathematics (Core) | 140 |
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BC 2.1 | Company Law (Core) | 140 |
BC 2.2 | Income Tax Law and Practice (Core) | 140 |
BC 2.3 | Computer Applications in Business (SEC-1) | 140 |
BC 2.4 | Corporate Accounting (Core) | 140 |
BC 2.5 | Cost Accounting (Core) | 140 |
BC 2.6 | E-Commerce (SEC-2) | 140 |
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BC 3.1(a) | Human Resource Management (DSE-1) | 100 |
BC 3.2 (b) | Goods and Services Tax (GST) (DSE-2) | 100 |
BC 3.3 | Entrepreneurship (SEC-3) | 100 |
BC 3.4 | Principles of Micro Economics (GE-1) | 100 |
BC 3.5 (c) | Management Accounting (DSE-3) | 100 |
BC 3.6 (b) | Office Management and Secretarial Practice (DSE-4) | 100 |
BC 3.7 | Personal Selling and Salesmanship (SEC-4) | 100 |
BC 3.8 | Indian Economy (GE-2) | 100 |