Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam College Rajpur, Distt. Kangra (HP)
Faculty | Eligibility | Selection | No. of Seats |
(B.Sc) Bachelor of Science - Medical | 45% in Plus Two with PCB | Merit will be finalized on the basis of percentage (%) SCORE obtained in qualifying Exam (PLUS TWO) as per eligibility criteria Prescribed by the HPU |
CHEM 101 | Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry and Alphatic Hydrocarbons (Core) | 250 |
CHEM 102 | States of Matter, Chemical Kinetics & Functional Organic Chemistry (Core) | 250 |
BOTA 101 | Biodiversity (Microbes,Algae, Fungi and Archgoniate) (Core) | 110 |
BOTA 102 | Plant Ecology and Taxonomy (Core) | 110 |
ZOOL 101 TH | Animal Diversity (Core) | 110 |
ZOOL 102 TH | Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates (Core) | 110 |
CHEM 201 TH | Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry & Organic Chemistry (Core) | 250 |
CHEM 202 TH | Chemistry of Main Group Elements, Chemical Energetics and Equilibria (Core) | 250 |
CHEM 203 TH | Basic Analytical Chemistry (SEC-2) | 70 |
CHEM 204 TH | Fuel Chemistry & Chemistry of Cosmetics & Perfumes (SEC-2) | 70 |
B.Sc. BOTANY | ||
BOTA 201 | Paper III : Plant Anatomy and Embryology (DSC-IA) | 75 |
BOTA 202 | Paper IV : Plant Physiology and Metabolism (DSC-IB) | 75 |
BOTA 203 | Biofertilizers (SEC-I) | 35 |
BOTA 204 | Gardening and Floriculture (SEC-II) | 35 |
B.Sc. ZOOLOGY | ||
ZOOL 201 TH | Physiology and Biochemistry (DSC IC) | 75 |
ZOOL 202 TH | Genetics and Evolutionary Biology (DSC-ID) | 75 |
ZOOL 203 TH | Medical Diagnotics (SEC-I) | 35 |
ZOOL 204 TH | Apiculture (SEC-II) | 35 |
CHEM 304 TH | Chemistry of Transition and Inner Transition Elements, Coordination Chemistry, Organomettalics, Acids & Bases (DSE-2B) | 125 |
CHEM 305 TH | Polymer Chemistry (DSE-2B) | 125 |
CHEM 307TH | Chemical Technology & Society and Business Skills for Chemistry (SEC-4) | 45 |
CHEM 308 TH | Pesticide Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SEC-4) | 45 |
B.Sc. BOTANY | ||
BOTA 301 | Economic Botany & Biotechnology (DSE-1A) | 55 |
BOTA 303 | Cell and Molecular Biology (DSE-1B) | 55 |
BOTA 306 | Medicinal Botany and Ethnobotany (SEC-I) | 25 |
BOTA 307 | Mushroom Cultivation (SEC-II) | 25 |
B.Sc. ZOOLOGY | ||
ZOOL 301 (A) TH | Applied Zoology (DSE-IA) | 55 |
ZOOL 302 (A) TH | Insect, Vector and Diseases (DSE-IB) | 55 |
ZOOL 303 TH | Sericulture (SEC-III) | 25 |
ZOOL 304 (A) TH | Aquarium Fish Keeping (SEC-IV) | 25 |